weight loss


What do you love?  Do more of it with Meet-Up.

The key is that you have to love it first before you look for it on meetups.

Love includes belief. Read more on Self-Improvement Meetups…

Knowing when to eat is important, but there are no bad times. One of the most obese people I have known personally was our family Kosher (traditional Jewish) butcher back on the east coast.  He said his weight was immeasurable on a normal scale; I didn’t know then that I would become that way later.  He was the kind of guy who was so heavy he was in such pain whenever he got up from a chair to serve a customer, he invoked God in rapidly recited Hebrew.

He said he ate very reasonable “balanced” (which is not what obese people need) meals during the day, but every night he got “crazy hungry” and “snacked” on everything imaginable, mostly sweets, from the minute he finished after-work dinner until his late bedtime, while in front of the television. He said his doctor was irate and told him to stop eating at night because eating in the evening and before bed made people fat and sick. Read more on Meats or Sweets For Weight Loss…


I was chatting with an M.D. woman friend, and told her my medications and my natural supplements and herbs and my “numbers” — my blood sugar and my blood pressure — when I still was convinced that I had those things.

My blood sugar was 120 mg/dL. My blood pressure with medications was around 140/85.

She surprised me with her reaction. Read more on What The Heck Has Happened To Medicine?…


I will never forget the sad and jowly face of the obese young mother in her thirties who told me, “maybe if I had more sex with my husband, I would be thinner.  Sex is supposed to burn lots of calories, right?”

A couple of hundred calories (200 to 300) at best, I remembered having read.  I changed the subject, even though everyone knows psychiatrists are supposed to love to talk about sex. If someone is seeking sex to burn calories, it doesn’t sound as if they are having enough fun.  I mean, was she even doing it “right?”

Read more on Calories? You’re Kidding!…

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I heard it long ago, when I was early in my training, at some big international psychopharmacology meeting so I reproduce it here. “What people really want is an on-off switch.” Most people seem to get through life pushing the envelope only minimally.  A few cups of coffee in the morning helps promote “alertness.” A drink or two with the guys after work helps to “wind down” on the way home. Neither of these decisions is harmless. Although there are indeed some beneficial compounds in some forms of alcohol, I have come to believe that civilization has taken a poor turn in validating its use for a very long time.

Read more on Addictive Drugs and Questions They Raise…


My struggles with obesity are well known and well publicized.  Although my web page regarding weight loss hasn’t been updated lately, that will be changing soon, as I have some new focus on obesity — causes and treatment.

When you have an enforced lack of mobility, if you don’t deliberately lower your caloric intake, you are going to gain weight. Read more on When Life Lowers Your Physical Activity, You Don’t Have To Get Obese…

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I thought that everyone knew by now that if something is a supplement that is supposed to help you lose weight by gulping down a pill, it is going to turn out to be a lie. One of the first things they teach you in debating is that your weakest argument is an appeal to authority.  Everyone who follows Dr. Oz has noticed that his recommendations seem to “flip-flop.”  Perhaps individual supplements come to him with some inducement to publicize them?  Whatever.  This stuff does not work terribly well. Garcinia cambogia is also tamarind, often used in different cultures to aid with weight loss.  It is a wildly fibrous fruit, so it fills people up.  This seems to be responsible for at least some of the alleged weight loss properties.  It may be one reason that despite the use of this fruit in Mexico, it does not seem to have ever really caught on with American tastes. Read more on More Fake Diet Methods On The Market…

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baby with open cabinet full of poison household chemicalsWe have taught our American consumers to be cheap –to be obsessed with the lowest possible price — and the cost is higher than we should be expected to pay.

Retailers have been urged to remove products from their shelves that might contain harmful (toxic) ingredients.

Why is everyone surprised?  Does anybody actually expect cheap products to be safe?  things you buy at Target or K-Mart to have been made with your safety or well being in mind?  why?

Not that I am demonizing these particular companies.  It is impossible to expect them to spontaneously think of these things.

They want to make profits to send their own kids to college, and improve their own lifestyle.  This is the sort of thing businesses in America DO — the greed

Read more on You Want It Cheap or Safe? Try Grandma’s Solution…

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Like many others, I am of the type who has been made to feel less.  Less than healthy, less than human; whatever, the kind of feeling that sells diet food and diet plans. Read more on A Few Extra Pounds Might Not Be So Bad…


You can deep fry just about anything and it will taste good.  Ask just about anyone who lives in the south.  Twinkies, cheesecake, pickles, or whole turkeys.  Maybe even an old tennis shoe.  Nothing is exempt!

This woman has grown a Southern comfort food empire by cooking deep fried cheesecake and other things I am unlikely to eat.  She did not go public with her Type II Diabetes until three years after she learned of it. Now someone from some group for science in the public interest says she should have come forward earlier.

Her empire can’t be doing that well, for I bought a little bottle of her mint jelly at some deep discount store about a week ago.  I liked it, but it wasn’t any better than anyone else’s mint jelly. Admittedly, I’ve never watched her on television.  I don’t watch cooking shows because I don’t care about food the same way I used to.  I remember when all I could think of after one meal was what I would get for the next.  And I was never even the primary food preparer at home.  My honored husband has always taken that in hand for me. Read more on The Cooking Guru’s Health Problems…

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