November 2018 Archives



Patient Profiling: Are You a Victim?

I’ve read things by Dr. Pamela Wible before and she is definitely on a piece of the right track. Read more on “Patient Profiling” as a cause of medical error….


I’m not exactly drunk with power, being a psychiatrist. I fight with insurance companies on a daily basis, — begging for one generic brand the patient can take over one that makes them sick as a dog, and such.

I don’t pretend to have control over everything that happens inside my office. I have a basic idea of the territory that should be covered, but the reactions to what I bring up are rich and individual and creative and tell me the essence of my patients’ spirits. Read more on Unhappy? Go Outside And Play!…

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The most beautiful full moon, and our Fashionista is glowing.

The Thanksgiving weekend was beautiful on the San Diego waterfront. Our Fashionista looks happy.

And how was YOUR Thanksgiving?

To see what our Fashionista is up to now — just go to Facebook:

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