June 2019 Archives


A woman psychiatrist (physician) told me a long time ago :

“A woman doctor is a nice thing to be. Most patients liked their mothers, so they will usually be nice to you.”


I’m not alone here. Quite a few medical schools in the U. S. tipped the scale at over 50% of medical students being female quite a while ago.

Five smiling medical doctors or nurses. Isolated on white background

Yet every patient whose mother comes into the office with her child spends most of the visit fighting with me.

Mother with girl being examined by female pediatrician in clinic

And I only see people aged 18 and over.

Studio Portrait Of Chinese Mother With Adult Son

They fight, wanting to know about how I raise my babies. I have none.

I spent a lot of time taking care of folks, and do it competently,

Yet I am often trivialized.

Don’t ask me what this picture means.

Illustration of a Girl Doctor Wearing White Gown and Stethoscope Holding Paper Family Cutout for Family Planning

We are different. We are nice. More friendly and informal, maybe. Try us….you may actually like us.

What Happens When Female Physicians Gather?

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