October 2014 Archives


I love being a ”shrink-lady.”  (okay, a “psychiatrist.”)

I did not pick it out of a hat.  I tried a couple of other medical specialties.  The “doctor” part — well, there was never any doubt about that part, really.  I mean the idea of taking care of other folks came into my head pretty early on, as did the idea that I was smarter than most other kids, ahead of where I was “supposed” to be.

My family had some health problems as I persevered in schooling.  It became evident that doctors had not only status but power over other people’s lives. Read more on Your life, Your Work – What’s The Difference?…

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I have seen them.

Men, who sit in my office and tell me they are addicts to internet pornography.

They describe symptoms that have long been regarded as markers of addiction.

Dependence — They start feeling poorly, maybe even depressed, if they don’t get their regular quota of exposure.

This is easy enough to get on the internet, so everybody who feels they want this (or “need” this) is able to get it. Read more on Internet Pornography IS Addiction…

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I was in the 9th grade at 13 when I was looking at the ceremony for my Bas Mitzvah, literally “Daughter of the Covenant,” when I would chant the portion of scriptural commentary to the five books of Moses consistent with my birthday, and speak all the Rabbi would let me, and collect some gifts.

My prowess with Hebrew was well known.

I pretty much knew the whole liturgy already and sang along and drowned out the officiants and choir as much as I could.  Some older men sang pretty loud, but I generally drowned them out, too.

So there was a record attendance in February for a Friday night service when I was the “star.”  Yes, star.  Everybody wanted to be at this one, because I was already known as a “ham.” Read more on Hills and Mountains…

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If you think I bare my soul in this blog, then you would be surprised at how much further I can take – “to the next level” as they like to say – in my private, opt-in newsletter.

I don’t just reprint blog posts in the newsletter – or vice versa.  I jump right in to the deep end.

I haven’t produced a newsletter recently – although in some promotional things on my various web page I have called it “weekly” (that’s stretching it).  But I have a new one coming out tomorrow. Read more on What Changed When I Wasn’t Looking…

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The fastest, easiest test of the memory that I know is the one where you have to remember three objects five minutes after you’ve been told what they are.

This is part of a standardized test of cognition (typically testing for dementia) known as the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE). Actually there has been more debate of the “what is this test and what objects should be used?” variety than anyone can possibly imagine.  It is usually not too tough to engage someone in talking about something else for five minutes, to keep them from repeating it in their head. Read more on MEMORY TESTS…

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