November 2019 Archives


My medical career has so far encompassed training in multiple specialties (general and orthopedic surgery, neurological surgery, neurology, psychiatry, and psychopharmacology). I have practiced in France, Canada, the United States Army, and more States of the United States than I can name.

I have been sexually assaulted and harassed more times that I could count. “Bullying,” is common in medicine, often viewed as a necessary process of “toughening up” to deal with the all too frequent tragedies lived with by patients. Read more on Me Too…


It is bad that women get sexually harassed in the workplace.

I have often had as my patients such victims. Sometimes I start them from zero. I sound like I am barking some sort of feminist manifesto. Read more on Women Getting Equal Pay With Men…

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My French medical school professor of bacteriology, Mme. le Professeur Jeanne Orfila, stood in front of her (our) class near tears. She was not the sort of woman who frequently fell into that state, so I vividly remember the day she told us this:

“Prescribe antibiotics carefully, and only when you have to. Every time you prescribe antibiotics, you are creating more and more bacteria who will “learn” to make themselves resistant to antibiotics. So they will work less well against human disease. Read more on How Many Deaths Will It Take?…

Filed under Alternative Medicine, medicine, News by on . Comment#


I always ask patients about alcohol.

They always minimize their use.

Mostly all of the patients who have psychopathology and make it in my door name “stress” as the causal factor in their illness. Read more on Alcohol? Who Are They Kidding?…

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