Alternative Medicine


There was once a self-satisfied young male patient who told me that he took vitamin D and that was because he had a low serum level. He told me that D was the only vitamin ever proven to make you sick if you don’t get enough, therefore the only one worth taking.

I asked him where he had obtained this marvelous information. Read more on Everybody Is A Vitamin Expert!…

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My preceptor in Kansas taught me — while I was finishing my training and in my psychopharmacology fellowship — how to do “ECT”, which stands for “Electroconvulsive therapy.”

AKA: Electroshock therapy Read more on Yes They Can Still Force Electroshock Therapy…


I always ask patients about alcohol.

They always minimize their use.

Mostly all of the patients who have psychopathology and make it in my door name “stress” as the causal factor in their illness. Read more on Alcohol? Who Are They Kidding?…

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My French medical school professor of bacteriology, Mme. le Professeur Jeanne Orfila, stood in front of her (our) class near tears. She was not the sort of woman who frequently fell into that state, so I vividly remember the day she told us this:

“Prescribe antibiotics carefully, and only when you have to. Every time you prescribe antibiotics, you are creating more and more bacteria who will “learn” to make themselves resistant to antibiotics. So they will work less well against human disease. Read more on How Many Deaths Will It Take?…

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His mother had been seeing me and they had signed mutual releases. Mother wanted me to see him as soon as possible, because he was “nervous and unable to sit still at all.”

When he came, he denied a “nervousness” which his mother thought looked like “attention deficit disorder.”

I can’t treat what people don’t think they have.

He described problems with his girlfriend and his mother, since his mother had told him he could not go to a party in the home of his girlfriend’s family on the bad side of town, “where they would just as soon shoot you in the street as say ‘hello.'”

He sounded like he had pretty routine mother-and-girlfriend problems.

She contacted me on the weekend, worrying about him frequenting strip clubs, something I had not asked about and he had not told me about. Sometimes, she said he became so angry she physically feared him.

Their two narratives were simply inconsistent. I drew the line at her feeling scared of him physically.

I told her about “tough love,” and I told her if that happened again, to call the cops.

My husband reminded me of the ultimate authority in my profession — Hugh Laurie as “Dr. House” — who repeatedly said on television in public for all the world to hear, “Patients lie.”

Which one of them? Maybe both of them. I told her what I had told them; and would indeed, tell anybody who gave me the opportunity. I can try a session with the two of them together and help to resolve things, but I could not promise that it would resolve things. I would try. I always try as hard as I can to do the best that I can.

She said she knew this to be true.

I had told him and also told his mother on the phone, that the hardest thing a young man (or a young woman) ever had to do in his (her) life was establishing themselves as an individual distinct from parents. This usually meant a period of confusion before resolution. There may be (and there was) some confusion about vocational direction, too.

One can only press forward. The ability to communicate openly is precious, and irreplaceable. 


Mature female patient: “So you’re Dr. Goldstein! Wow , you’re dressed so elegant! I mean I feel really self-conscious! I just threw on a t-shirt and shorts…”

Dr. G: “Don’t worry, darling. You got it right — I’m the one who’s supposed to get dressed up. Now, you’re not going to think much of me.” Read more on Dr. Estelle gets a new patient…smiling, laughing…


Often they are working women.

But people with no employment and no financial responsibility are not immune.

It is surely the illness of our time for everyone complains of it sometimes as if it has a specific treatment and they think I can change the deficient choices they made several years ago in their lives to make things fine and dandy with an instant prescription.  W.H. Auden wrote the (long) poem ” Age of Anxiety” in 1947 or so describing man’s attempt to find meaning and substance in an industrialized world. Read more on All The Stressed Out People…


It was a particularly beloved patient who asked me if I had any advice about improving creativity. She believed, as many people do, that it is a side effect of treating (even a relatively minor form) of bipolar illness. A lot of research back in the days of lithium, one of the first really robust treatments for bipolar illness, strongly suggested it just wasn’t so. Read more on Will Bipolar Treatment Kill Creativity?…


Here are both the original article and the review in “Mad in America,” a fairly radical review of opposing viewpoints in psychiatry which, I am often downright embarrassed to have to agree with.

The two German psychologists are right. Their initial assertions are unquestionable, Mental illness is going up indescribably quickly. Psychotropic medication is going up indescribably quickly. Read more on Biological Psychiatry…


There was a saying in Northern France which roughly translates:

“Everything old is new again.

Holy basil oil, from the plant “Occinum basilicum” is good for killing little beasties. The sort you don’t particularly want around. Bacteria and fungi and such. Read more on Basil Oil…