

Mature female patient: “So you’re Dr. Goldstein! Wow , you’re dressed so elegant! I mean I feel really self-conscious! I just threw on a t-shirt and shorts…”

Dr. G: “Don’t worry, darling. You got it right — I’m the one who’s supposed to get dressed up. Now, you’re not going to think much of me.” Read more on Dr. Estelle gets a new patient…smiling, laughing…


My husband and I occasionally pick up hard copies of publications, as we did of this one.

My hard copy is marked on the front page as No. 15 Mid March, 2018.

Pages 12 and 13 of this newspaper are marked as “HEALTH” in the upper right-hand corner. Read more on Why It Is Important To Look Who’s Talking…


The easiest ways to spot trends is to age. Not that I noticed I was aging.  Somebody pointed out to me I should be a “poster child” for senior citizens.  This left me a bit confused, since I did not notice I had become one. Gevalt!  I am 64, which means in one more year, I will become eligible for Medicare. Better check my pulse. Read more on Maybe You CAN Fool Mother Nature…

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This is an update of a previous post:

Science keeps changing and moving forward so quickly that even an avowed knowledge addict like me can sometimes do little more than hang on for the ride.

Back when I wrote my earlier post, I already knew for sure that I wanted to live for as close to forever as possible.  Calorie restriction had been touted as one possible way to do do so, and change in the gut flora was one possible mechanism. Read more on Update On Calories and Longevity…


I recently initiated what I call “The Renegade Doctor’s Massive Weight Loss” support group for people who must lose 100 lbs or more for health reasons.
Registration is free and I will be sending regular messages by email about how I achieved my 160-lb weight loss withough diet, exercise, drugs or surgery, as well as recent research, myth-busting facts, nutritional supplement news,and general encouragement and support for those who are undertaking a major weight loss.
Renegade Doctor's Massive Weight LossMost diet articles, books and programs are for people who want to lose ten or twenty or maybe as much as 50 lbs.  However, the majority of obese Americans are well over that.  Carrying around 100 lbs or more of extra weight is often called “The American Disease,” and foreigners make jokes about fat Americans and their cheeseburger-culture of overeating and obesity.

It’s terrible to be shamed and made to feel guilty because of your weight.  It’s not only cruel strangers, but family members and even doctors who perpetrate such behavior.

Nothing is simple if you do it alone, and massive weight loss is a difficult project.  In fact, it’s generally considered hopeless and overweight people are advised to get surgery or take drugs that have harmful side effects.

I’m making my support group available to anyone who is interested, and to make sure that you aren’t getting spammed, I’m making it by subscription only.
Of course, like my subscription newsletter, it is free to sign-up and you can discontinue at any time.

With so much focus on weight and body image in our culture, it is no wonder that people who are heavy get depressed and develop all kinds of physical and emotional symptoms.

Here is the web page where you can read what the support group is all about and sign up for the mailing list.

There will also be free phone conferences, brochures and other support material to help you.

I know how difficult it is — I know how painful living as an obese person can be.  And I know the solution.

Take care and be happy — and healthy.

Estelle Toby Goldstein, MD
The Renegade Doctor

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I remember when I was very tiny, getting a TB (tuberculosis) skin test as part of some public school campaign.  It was negative.  My parents were pleased with me, but they never had any doubts that I would be “clean.”  They said something about poor people with poor hygiene being at risk, but not nice middle class folks like us.  No problem.

Fast forward to a far more vivid memory.  I had to get another TB test in France when I attended medical school there.  It was a hassle, as I had to get someone to take class notes for me while I went to a cavernous and overwhelming public health office.

InnoculationI was in line with all the rest of the “aliens” as the laws required me to be.  There were people who looked more terrified than I — young mothers from North Africa with four or five young children orbiting around them like out-of-control satellites.  Unlike this frightened young lady, at least I knew what they were going to do to me — even though I was only a first year med student.  They called it a “scarification.”

There was a very petite nurse who had to reach up to give me some scratched parallel lines on my left shoulder.  It was the BCG, the “Bacille de Calmette et Guerin.”  They told me that it was a strain of tuberculosis that had been developed in Lille, a few miles to the north of Amiens where I was, and that it was a gift to the world.  It was a benign form of tuberculosis that would give me immunity. Read more on Antibiotic Abuse — We Are Creating Monster Epidemics…

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