

I will never forget the sad and jowly face of the obese young mother in her thirties who told me, “maybe if I had more sex with my husband, I would be thinner.  Sex is supposed to burn lots of calories, right?”

A couple of hundred calories (200 to 300) at best, I remembered having read.  I changed the subject, even though everyone knows psychiatrists are supposed to love to talk about sex. If someone is seeking sex to burn calories, it doesn’t sound as if they are having enough fun.  I mean, was she even doing it “right?”

Read more on Calories? You’re Kidding!…

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This is an update of a previous post:

Science keeps changing and moving forward so quickly that even an avowed knowledge addict like me can sometimes do little more than hang on for the ride.

Back when I wrote my earlier post, I already knew for sure that I wanted to live for as close to forever as possible.  Calorie restriction had been touted as one possible way to do do so, and change in the gut flora was one possible mechanism. Read more on Update On Calories and Longevity…