May 2012 Archives


I am not the sort of woman who runs around saying “I told you so,” or trying to impress people with how clever I am.

However, I am clever.

It’s no secret – a lot of people know it. Read more on The Worst Family To Get Involved With…

Filed under Nutrition, weight by on . Comment#


What this man did was wrong.

We all know that killing civilians during war is wrong.

Does it happen?  Absolutely, all the time.  Unfortunately, punishing one officer will not stop it.  It will continue as long as we train and send soldiers into war.

If you or I were sent to a place where terrorist and guerrilla type warriors wanted to kill us, we would be scared.  Moreover, we would be deemed “crazy” if we were not scared. Read more on Thrill Killers In The Military…

Filed under Government, military, News, Violence, war by on . Comment#


Wait a second here.  President Obama did not “mandate” compulsory birth control.  As the headline plainly states, this is a mandate for insurance coverage for birth control.

Nobody is going to drag a young — or older — woman kicking and screaming into a gynecologist’s office and force her to take pills or injections or put anything into another orifice.

People are complaining that the President did not consult with people like Catholic religious groups.  The Republicans especially do not like this.  This is not surprising as they do not seem to like anything President Obama does — include breathe.

The Republicans — well, their opposition is supported by the part of the nation that seems to have chosen to “stupid up” its politics –left and right, liberal and conservative, yes and no. Read more on Contraception and Birth Control…

Filed under Contraception, News, politics by on . Comment#


I accidentally watched Dr. Drew Pinsky’s “Life Changers” and it put me in a state of utter stupefaction.

That was fortunate, as I found myself unable to destroy the television.  Doubly fortunate, in that this was a hotel-room TV and the bill would have been padded for replacing the set.

Okay, so I was in a hotel flipping channels during the day.  I do this once in a while to see what is being communicated to the TV-watching public, especially about health.

Dr. Oz has a show.  His guest was Rachel Ray showing how to fix things you might screw up in the kitchen.  Common sense fixes with repartee.  I did not see this as a health problem and I did not make it to the end of the show. Read more on Dr. Drew Pinsky’s “Life Changers”…

Filed under Psychiatrists, PTSD by on . Comment#


I am a veteran.

Military. American. U.S. Army.  Medical Corps.

This is truth.

WWI poster Gen Pershing and Uncle Sam

Uncle Sam Urges Gen Pershing On From France To Germany

Along with being a fairly knowledgeable physician with over 30 years experience, it still seems incredible and unbelievable to at least some of my patients.  It is not in their experience to know women who appear on the surface to be feminine and attractive who have been in the military.  Admittedly, these things were never brought up until I lost a massive amount of weight (half my body weight) but there they are.

Every time I get a chance, I thank a veteran with a handshake for defending – in these very words — “this great nation.”  This seems to be a custom that has crested, for I have not met anyone else who does this lately.

Even though I tell people I am a veteran, too, almost nobody thanks me back.

Read more on This Memorial Day, Thank The Live Veterans And Honor The Dead…

Filed under Holidays by on . Comment#