

I am surprised how many patients who have just turned 18 come and tell me at our first meeting: “School isn’t for me.” I try to ask why they have made the devastating decision to limit schooling. When they are willing to explore with me, the answer almost always comes down to the same thing.

“I can’t remember what I read.” Read more on How To Remember What You Read…

Filed under Education, Family, life, Memory, News, Research by on . Comment#


I know some people think I’m not a sports fan – and I’m really not – and that’s why I harp on the negative side of sports news.

sports is my religion printed on a t-shirt

Why do you think so many ball games are on Sunday?

But the truth is that I’m a humanist and a doctor, and I continually wonder why our society is so dedicated to dangerous and destructive activities that – if they were not so profitable and so glamorized – should be considered insanity.

Every time a person – especially young people – dies during an athletic contest or practice, every time there is a tragic injury or accident while “playing games” I shudder.

Somebody died at a triathlon, and somebody else had something wrong.

Of course, the uneducated and, generally speaking, minimally-informed people who comment on such things say they think it must have been something in the water.

Read more on Glorification Of Sports Is Our Modern Major Mental Illness…

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