fish oil


I remember, several years ago, going to a national drug development meeting; the first time I had been at such a meeting, with drug company folks from the highest national levels. I remember how excited I was.  Maybe someone could develop an antipsychotic that really could escape all those neuromuscular side effects.  Maybe they had new things that were more powerful than antibiotics, which I already knew were not working as well as they ought to. I remember, with characteristic naivete, that it felt impossible to find anyone with whom I could discuss the pharmacology that so impassioned me, for the “big” drug guys seemed to be more interested in the business and politics of the thing. Read more on Could Fish Oil Prevent Schizophrenia?…


I was with my husband and a friendly couple, admiring the natural beauty of a mountain pass with snow capped peaks in the distance, when the other gentleman told us that a major natural food chain was removing all of the krill oil from its shelves, because the harvesting of krill was not a bio-sustainable practice.

Now I am usually pretty cool about science; looking at data, revising opinions.  I have never really considered myself an ecologist, since the politics are often richer than the data.  (Ask someone if they actually think the globe is getting warmer and it is not usually necessary to inquire about their political affiliation.)

I just looked him right in the eye and said “No way, this is nuts!” Read more on Don’t Worry — We Won’t Run Out Of Krill…

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