

No matter whose statistics you believe, there are more than 100 thousand people a year dying from drug overdoses, interactions, and errors.

The bottom line is people lie. They stash drugs and find things in dumpsters and tell me with great pride they know the best for their bodies and think marijuana is harmless when it isn’t. Read more on How To Not Die From Prescription Drugs…


The southern California sun is blinding this morning. I really need my shades.

March is not over yet and I see the requisite blonde in a bikini, working on her tan, stretched out near the swimming pool.

The radio is barely audible; something about how we are all becoming heartless bureaucrats. Read more on Getting Some Rays…

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My field is health – which is radically removed from bodybuilding.  Oh, the work-out gurus will tell you they are experts in nutrition and health, but their knowledge is often flawed (to put it charitably).  And they view someone like me with “Book Learning” as a real kill-joy.

There is something special about bodybuilding supplements — allegedly natural ones.  I remember a fairly brittle bipolar – a young and pumped-up muscular male model — who refused, as both I and his girlfriend pleaded with him, to give up a body building supplement. I told him the contents seemed strange and unknown to me.  This supplement had made him go angry and seemingly psychotic and she was ready to break up with him if he did not stop this strange supplement.

The girlfriend trusted me.  The young man was lost in wishful thinking (and perhaps an adverse drug reaction bordering on psychosis). Read more on Deadly Health Supplements…

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Warning:  Daily use of aspirin can lead to side effects which may include total loss of impulse control, man boobs, toe hair, and third nipples.  Please consult your doctor before taking this and other over the counter medicine.

Well, not really. But your really should know the risks and benefits of anything you take, even if it’s over the counter, even if it’s aspirin. I have an early memory, and I cannot have been beyond high school or early college, for I was still going to Friday night services with my Parents-of-Blessed-Memory.  My father would not let me in the choir with the other retired senior types with weak voices; but, it seemed to amuse him to no end when I out sang them and the cantor from the congregation.  The cantor had some kind of a congenital dislocation of the hip and some kind of back pain and I don’t know what else.  My parents had discouraged my still premature medical curiosity and told me not to ask him. Read more on To Aspirin or Not To Aspirin; That Is the Question…

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Take two Tylenol and call me in the morning? Research now suggests that our emotional and physical pain are interrelated. Maybe Tylenol really is good for more than just headaches.

This is the dichotomy between even the best experimental science and real life as we clinicians see it.

Who has not seen a kid put his or her hand on the umbilicus and say “my tummy hurts” when he or she doesn’t want to go to school?  That child is likely trying to avoid something unpleasant like a bully or a difficult assignment.  Oh, our beliefs in the separation of body and mind are so deeply engrained that adults might even think they are faking.  But perhaps children are just more open and direct. Read more on Mind-Body Connection Proven at Last?…

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