

One of the strange things that happen when you are getting older is that they change the rules while you are playing the game.

One of the things that happened while I was not looking is that the playing field for women in male-dominated roles does seem to have improved a bit. Read more on …

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Wouldn’t it be fun to just sit in front of the TV all day and watch your favorite shows?

Actually, it’s pretty darn depressing.  Anyway, that’s what I have noticed, and now it’s official.

I cannot begin to guess the number of people I have diagnosed as depressed who watch television all day.  I’ve noticed it for a long time, and part of my standard examination is to find out what people do with their daily lives.

Short answer – couch potato.

Most of the time these folks aren’t actually trying to change their lives or get better.  This isn’t just a simple, “Oh, I gotta catch Jerry Springer!” or “Oprah is supposed to be good today!” Read more on TV And Depression…

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