

I am glad that Frida Ghitlis covered this, glad as always that other women in other countries fight against arbitrary and repressive regimes.

Of course a woman should be allowed to show her face, that great bastion of personal identity.

I cannot claim to be surprised that Fox News, that lovely stronghold of all that is conservative, trivialized it into a headline about it being impossible to tell women “what to wear.” Read more on What “Womanstuff” Really Means…

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I’ve lived in a lot of places in my time — The USA, Canada and France, just to name the countries.  Massachusetts, Ohio, North Dakota, Minnesota, North Carolina, Kansas, Oklahoma, Montana and California, just to name a few of the states.

I won’t even begin to start a list of the towns and cities, as it would take me too long to just remember them — much less write them down.

And with each place I’ve lived, I eventually start thinking that it is the most corrupt place I’ve ever seen — until I move to the next place.

It’s not news any more, really.  From the White House through the Legislature and the state governors down to the mayors and city council and even the dog catchers (do places really have elections for dog catchers?) power corrupts and money flows to the corrupt politician. Read more on Political Ugliness and More About That Mosque…

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