medical school


The easiest ways to spot trends is to age. Not that I noticed I was aging.  Somebody pointed out to me I should be a “poster child” for senior citizens.  This left me a bit confused, since I did not notice I had become one. Gevalt!  I am 64, which means in one more year, I will become eligible for Medicare. Better check my pulse. Read more on Maybe You CAN Fool Mother Nature…

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Many people are proud of the state from which they came. But I value the state they (we, all of us) can go to.

It’s called a “Resource State.”

Don’t bother looking on a map – unless it is a map of the cerebral cortex.  Yet, it isn’t clearly defined as a location in the brain either.

I know it sounds mysterious, but it is easy to access and the benefits once you get there are astronomical.  I think I need to give you some illustrations to make my point.

Once when I was in prison (that always gets attention – but actually I was employed as a prison psychiatrist and not serving time for criminal activities) I treated a young man of 28 who was doing time for armed robbery.  His problem was depression with occasional suicidal ideation. Read more on The Resource State — Your Magic Ticket To Happiness…


I’ve written before about Dr. Milhaud — one of the professors in my French medical school. I really liked him.

He was practical and he was enough of a friend to come visit me when I returned to the USA for my general and orthopedic surgical residency staff at the Jewish Hospital of Cincinnati, Ohio.

Nobody else on my faculty at Amiens even thought of doing that. Read more on Why Use Medical Testing?…

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It’s really a cliché’ and may have some basis in reality:

A psychiatrist (Male, of course) has his patient (female, of course) lying on the couch and telling about her dreams or playing “word association” or whatever psychiatrists do – and then they have sex.

But, fellows – if you really want to score with the babes, this is not the way to do it.  Medical school and post-grad studies are darned expensive and take years.  “Ladies Night” at the bowling alley will probably get you into the sack a lot sooner. Read more on Psychiatrists Behaving Badly…

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