University of Kansas School of Medicine


The first person I remember who approached me telling me clearly and articulately that uncertainty was his problem was Dr. W.

Not that he was (or ever could have been) a medical doctor.  He was an engineer who had been laid off for being somehow “supernumerary” from Boeing Aircraft in Wichita, Kansas.

Very stable, very “establishment, a former president of the synagogue (where we had met) the late Dr. Larry Weller was the kind of guy who wore a necktie around the house, just because he was more comfortable that way.  His wife was a sharp-as-a-tack social worker.  He was continually thankful for this, as his two adult children were living and working elsewhere and the two of them could keep their home and live fairly well (with the occasional flight to New York to visit relatives) on her salary. Read more on Uncertainty Is A Tough Mistress…

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