suicide among soldiers


The current rate of suicide among soldiers should make us angry, maybe enough to destroy our computers or, heaven forbid, write to congress or even try to stop war.

I checked out this institution¸ the National Center for Veterans Studies, the best I could.  I am not sure why the Department of Defense and the Department of the Air Force seem to have a love affair with this division of the University of Utah.

Of their current projects, some of the proposed studies are randomized clinical trials of various therapies as suicide preventives. I am a great believer in research.  But there is one question I am asked frequently, still, although I evaluate research but am not currently engaged in it.  People ask me if I am a doctor first or a researcher first.  There is absolutely no contest.  I am a doctor first.  I want lives saved, first. Read more on Why Soldiers Commit Suicide These Days…

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