

When I was in seventh grade in prepschool everyone except me delivered a book report on “A Wrinkle in Time” by Madeline L’Engle. It also won a LOT of awards, so I decided it needed to be avoided at all costs because anything that was so popular had to be bad.

I knew that it was some kind of science fiction, something I believed to be a degenerate form of literature until my beloved husband turned me on to the writings of Robert Heinlein some years later.  I read a few days ago the (would-you-believe) Wikipedia article on the book. Read more on Disney’s Female Empowerment Flick…

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Prez and first lady painting a bookcase?  Service day may be a good idea, but this is a little bit much the “photo opp” for my taste. I think the idea of helping others is wonderful, and the idea of putting group survival ahead of self-survival even better. I always thought this was good for any species.  I remember quite a while ago how touched I was when I saw crows get food for an injured crow.  Good for us folks, too, although we have a tendency to build hospitals and charge for services.

What is good for our species as well as for others is
putting the group ahead of the individual for both us and others. The use of mathematical modeling to do this, although the subject is wonderful, is open to debate still, although there is to me a certain romance in pure intellect predicting actions around us. Read more on Seen On Jan 19th – The Day Of Service…

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