

There are a certain number of patients who come to me suffering from autoimmune disease. Yes, more than one.

Sometimes Lupus or Celiac disease or rheumatoid arthritis or such.

Often they get through life dragging along with them unidentified articular pains, which are themselves probably an unidentified autoimmune illness. Read more on Depression As Auto-immune Disease…

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I grew up with the Reader’s Digest, although I do not think that was what my parents had in mind.

I was a very early reader. I had the activity pretty much nailed by the time I was three. I could even do phonetic “sounding out” of words, as well as the obsessional “dictionary searching” that I now do on line. I also had an obsessional interest in books intended for “bigs.”

The Reader’s Digest, to which my parents had some kind of a lifetime subscription or something, was consistently to be found on top of my mother’s bedside table — which had actually been her old “hope chest.”  I would “borrow” the current copy of the Reader’s Digest in the morning when they were still asleep, and generally return it before they would wake.

I will admit I had promised them to ask about anything I did not understand, but I have no memory of ever having to do so. Read more on Facial Diagnosis…

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