

Maybe there are people out there who do not know what Down Syndrome is, although at 1 per 691 births it is the most common of chromosomal abnormaities.

I still remember my next door neighbor, little “Stevie,” who was the youngest in a large family (seven children as I recall) so mother may have been a bit advanced in age when she had him.  I thought of him then (I was not over six or seven) as a sort of human stuffed animal, as he loved hugging and was profoundly retarded, able to do little on his own.  I learned even then that people said what such children lacked in intelligence (and muscle tone and

Read more on Down Syndrome — Human Choice Doesn’t Catch Up With Technology…

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How could anybody think it was justified by their religion to stick sewing needles into a child’s body?

voodoo dollNow according to the news story, the (obligatory) academic expert said there were no potentially harmful rituals in Candomble, the most popular of the Afro-Brazilian religions.  This statement ranks right up there with, “Hey, Columbus – don’t go too far or you’ll fall off the edge of the world!”

Someone is obviously worried about prejudice against the Afro-Brazilian religions.  Me, I am more worried about the sanctity of human life. Read more on Can We Protect Children From Their Parents?…

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