

Sorry for the unexcused absence.  It was entirely involuntary.

Estelle Toby. Goldstein with a big smile

It's GREAT To Be Back!

We use WordPress software as a base for this blog, and the company occasionally issues an upgrade (it’s all free and up until now works great).  Whenever they say “Upgrade Available” our Webmonster (AKA my loving hubby) clicks on the link and from there — it is all automatic.

Except last week.

When the software upgrade finished, all of our posts were gone!  That’s almost 400 essays I’ve written since we started over earlier (when we changed providers).

I almost had a conniption fit.

For several days, the Webmonster tinkered, and finally — as you can see — restored the service.

How he does it, I do not know.  Maybe he has a bag of pixie dust, or maybe he makes sacrifices to the great unknown powers of Wilicon Valley.  I often tell people that I married my Tech Support, and they applaud my foresight.

Whatever — we are back!  And you will probably find new content here in the next 24 hours.

And rest assured — The Webmonster has doubled his vigilance in backing up the whole site.

Love and Kisses–

Dr. G

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