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I was in line at Wal-Mart, sandwiched between two women. One was behind me in line.  The other was the cashier ringing up my purchases.

“She is the best checker here.  You are lucky to get her before she leaves,” said the woman behind me in line.

Escape from Marriage

“This is my last week!” shouted the radiant young girl checking me out.  “I’m getting married and I’m moving out of here and I will never have to work at Wal-Mart again!”

A lot of people have told me about a lot of reasons to get married.  I have got to admit that not having the imagination to figure out how to spend your life other than working at Wal-Mart — well, let’s just say it did not impress me as a particularly good reason. Read more on Marriage Is Not A Wise Escape Plan…

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I really do like the people at Health Freedom USA.  They are not speaking the truth, however.  Every day people are killed by natural phenomena, as we have been recently reminded by the tragic earthquake in Haiti.  Some people who walk into my office and tell me that they want to “go natural” are barely holding themselves together with complex lists of prescription medications.  I understand their desire to find relief without drugs, but I can’t help but jump up and down and yell, “Tornadoes are natural!  Earthquakes are natural!  They kill a lot of people.”

Alternative MedicineI have seen too many people harmed by “nutraceuticals,” a relatively new term for natural substances that are supposed to take the place of prescription drugs.  Some of these natural regimens have been devised by health professionals, but most are the result of individual research and curiosity. I am not yet aware of any sure-fire replacement for a doctor.  The closest we have today is the internet.  After all, I never claimed to have knowledge that the public could not find out with a little help from their favorite search engines. Read more on Natural Doesn’t Always Mean Safe…

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