Video Game Addiction


Just when I was reminiscing about the ideal of everything that was SUPPOSED to be included in a psychiatric assessment in the 1950’s (biological, psychological, and social issues) I have tripped over a new psychiatric disorder.

Somehow it does not much bother me that most constructions made for the various diagnostic and statistical manuals may or may not correspond to actual (psychiatric!) illnesses.

What does bother me is that people may have found new ways to suffer. Even if we cannot quite describe them yet we got suffering people crying and wailing in our offices.

I can’t possibly be the only one, (Although some of my patients say that I am the only one who takes the time to listen…)

In future years, academicians will study the statistical validity of “internet gaming disorder.” Many have already designated it an entity worthy of study, probably worthy of including in diagnostic and statistical manuals. I have the patients. Emotionally expressive to the max. But when I ask what brought this about, or even just when and how it started, they tell me about things that happened online, that I have generally not heard of in some kind of massive multiperson computer game. My own journey about this started innocently enough by reading USA Today. Then the idea that China had a curfew for this and minors could not play between 10pm and 8am was — well, scary.

Nobody has said anything about the treatment yet. This is plainly a global problem, as I discover quickly there are questionnaires available in multiple world languages.

Yes, there has actually been formal academic research about this. Here is the best English language research I could find.

As far as I can figure, it is rather like a classical addiction model, not unlike the drug, alcohol, or (especially) gambling addictions found in some bipolars.

If you are concerned about loved ones, here is the English Language questionnaire I am going to use to screen people in my office.

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