Personality Disorders


I saw him at a public clinic back in the days when I usually just took care of renewing people’s prescriptions.  He seemed rather average for someone in his forties who lived on the streets and looked like he did. But he seemed to want me to know that he was “special,” that there was more for him than just coming in for a prescription refill.

LyingHe told me that he was related to a well-known television star currently starring in a popular series.  This was Southern California, after all, and I have been involved in more than one case where these relations were real.  Sometimes I even get phone calls from celebrities to confirm relations, although more often, I get to see signed pictures.  This patient did not have any.  I admitted that I had never heard of either the star or the series, which caused this patient a bit of distress.

He started telling me about horrible things his dentist had done to him.  Given the state of his dentition, it was likely that he had never had so much as a check-up or teeth-cleaning in his life. Read more on A Biological Cause For Lying?…

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Query: Why won’t Santa’s elves work now that Santa has lowered wages and they have hastened the assembly line and there are no cookie breaks?

Answer: They all have low elf-esteem.

No I don’t know the origin of the above joke.  I don’t even know about low elf-esteem, as Santa must be referring his (psychologically) non-functional elves to someone that takes his insurance.

Low Self-EsteemI do know that the knowledge of “low self-esteem” as a problem has entered the language and the culture with an enthusiasm and vengeance reserved only for high-frequency psychobabble which has been divorced so completely from its academically-derived meaning that it was possible for me not long ago, when walking dangerously close to a Starbucks, to overhear two people saying it was the cause of their woes.

Our friends at Wikipedia define it as a term used by psychologists, an enduring aspect of personality encompassing beliefs, emotions and behavior.

Read more on Low Self-Esteem — Not Worth Much As A Diagnosis…

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