pain pills


You know me – Little Miss Skeptical.

I would never give a baby a loaded gun to play with, and I would never give non-medically trained civilians syringes full of drugs with the intent of having them stab somebody directly in the heart and push the plunger.

You probably know what I’m talking about if you saw the movie “Pulp Fiction” – apparently about four people in the world have not. Read more on Too Many Die From Heroin…


He was a pale faced, somewhat overweight 50 year old with a tired demeanor.  He had a treatment resistant depression and I had asked his primary care physician to run some tests.  He complained of not just lower back pain, but pain in all his joints, and I wanted to rule out autoimmune illness; things like rheumatoid arthritis, or even lupus. I also told him to review his pain meds with the doctor.

He claimed 8 months of sobriety from what had once been a pretty heavy alcohol habit.  Who knows what is real or true?  He had told me he had a couple “little relapses,” not unexpected in that sort of problem.

“The doctor says I am an addict and I am going to die from my pain meds, because I take too much of them.  I told him if he would give me better ones or stronger ones, I would not have to take so much.  It is his fault.  I really hurt.” Read more on Death By Pain Pills…

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