
I have assisted several people in changing gender. Most of them have been middle-aged. To me, it is simply a sort of birth defect.  Sometimes the chromosomal sex does not match the brain for a variety of very specific reasons, some of which we know something about, some of which we do not.
Milton Berle In Drag

Milton Berle In Drag

I am now far less involved with these folks.  Not that I do not venerate them and respect their struggle.  Rather, the condition of being a person requiring transgendering is so mainstream, that plenty of types of medical insurance pay for this.

Then again, several do not.  In fact, I had two patients in one year who worked for a major international conglomorate, and the sexual reassignment surgery was covered by their company benefits.  Let’s see if Obamacare is going to take that into consideration.

Read more on Sex Changes Are Confusing Enough When You Have Accurate Information…

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