child abuse


I know childhood is not the idyllic thing that reminiscing parents think it is.  I remember being afraid I could not open the lock to my gym locker unaided in grade seven.  I remember fearing the other girls would think I was too fat or too weird.   I think I worried about everything except not being smart enough.  I was lucky I had that one nailed.

If I work really hard and think back farther, I can remember being afraid of the dark.  I got a teddy bear and a prayer book to deal with that one.

Child AbuseMy mother spanked me exactly once, when I plucked a flower from a neighbor’s yard.  It was wrong, and she explained to me why I got spanked.  She never had to spank me again, as I was a rule respecting child.

I cannot remember and can barely understand, even now with my aggressive use of energy psychology, what it is like for a child to be a victim of assault or sexual or physical abuse, or even to live in fear of such abuse.  It takes all my empathy to deal with such children as adults.
Read more on The Violence Epidemic (Against Children)…

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