eating disorders


Have you been told that you have high cholesterol?  Or at least that you have to watch what you eat so you don’t get high cholesterol?

Of course you have!  This is like a mantra – every health care professional and the writers who cover healthcare join in the party line.  Everywhere you turn, it seems like everybody is on the “low-cholesterol” bandwagon.

Everybody?  Hmm … (looking around)  Well, there are exceptions.

Pardon me while I clear my throat and say in a loud, confident voice (and – might I add – a well-informed, scientifically and medically educated voice) – Bunk. Read more on ‘Tis The Season For Bad Dietary Advice…

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I have assisted several people in changing gender. Most of them have been middle-aged. To me, it is simply a sort of birth defect.  Sometimes the chromosomal sex does not match the brain for a variety of very specific reasons, some of which we know something about, some of which we do not.
Milton Berle In Drag

Milton Berle In Drag

I am now far less involved with these folks.  Not that I do not venerate them and respect their struggle.  Rather, the condition of being a person requiring transgendering is so mainstream, that plenty of types of medical insurance pay for this.

Then again, several do not.  In fact, I had two patients in one year who worked for a major international conglomorate, and the sexual reassignment surgery was covered by their company benefits.  Let’s see if Obamacare is going to take that into consideration.

Read more on Sex Changes Are Confusing Enough When You Have Accurate Information…

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She was twitching.  A sweet little girl only 23 years old with make-up and a hair-do that probably cost her more than one week’s worth of my salary.

I once saw a professional opera production of Donizetti’s “Daughter of the Regiment.” The leading lady — whose hair I remember because she was a redhead like me — had a less elaborate hairdo.  But unlike the diva of the opera, this young lady twitched.  My God, could this girl twitch.

Diet PillsThe therapist at the agency who called for my assistance in this unusual case went out of her way to tell me that this girl was not a substance abuser.  This adorable Dresden Doll of a woman did not abuse substances and she was twitching faster and faster as she and a social worker aide sat in my office.  And she was getting more nervous.  I always try to relax people and to make them feel at home, but this girl was a bundle of nerves.

The best news was that she had not seen another psychiatrist or even a general doctor.  A “normal” medico would have zonked this little doll with drugs to keep her zombied-out – the standard treatment for nervousness in most health facilities.  Ugggh!

Read more on Anorexia and Laxative Abuse — Potentially Deadly…

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When I heard shortly before Christmas that another Hollywood star died of suspected prescription drug interactions, I thought, “Here we go again…”

Brittany MurphyBrittany Murphy — young, beautiful and only 32 was the latest rider on the Fame-Drugs-Dysfunctional lifestyle carousel. A month later, still no official cause of death has been issued although rumors abound.  The death certificate said “natural causes” and “cardiac arrest.” In the absence of congenital defects or some type of disease, cardiac arrest in a 32-year-old female is not natural. Read more on Brittany Murphy — Another Victim of Prescription Drug Abuse?…

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