I am eating a low-carbohydrate, “ketogenic” diet. I have lost a considerable amount of weight, increased my energy, and have done a pretty good (almost-perfect) job of reversing diabetes along with the gazillion supplements I take.
There are an awfully lot of folks publishing research on an awful lot of things, with the overwhelming amount of those publishing in “traditional” medical journals (like Lancet) being professional “academics,” or university professors. Read more on You Gotta Handle It When The Truth Changes…
Filed under eating disorders, Education, News, Research, weight by on Sep 27th, 2018. Comment.
She was a well-known and respected matron in Orange County who called at 10 PM with a “health concern” so I called her right back so I could sleep easier.
The problem was an easy one. She had her first “abnormal” blood test and had been diagnosed with what those defeatist doctors call “prediabetes” and started on metformin which is about the safest thing that exists to lower blood sugar. I mean some blood sugar medicines and lower blood sugar so much that they make people nervous and shaky and worse. But this one wouldn’t hurt her. Read more on Diabetes Is Not A Death Sentence…
Filed under Alternative Medicine, Diagnosis, Disease, Doctors, Family, life, medicine, News by on Jan 10th, 2018. Comment.
Filed under medicine, News, Research by on May 18th, 2017. Comment.
I had a really depressed patient. She had just had one leg amputated below the knee because of advanced diabetes. Of course, I prescribed some antidepressants, and made sure the medical stuff (medical causes of diabetes) had been eliminated. I asked her why she couldn’t dance. “I can’t walk and you want me to dance?” she asked, as if holding back tears.
Filed under depression, News by on Mar 14th, 2017. Comment.
I have never told anyone to stop seeing a homeopath who was helpful to them. I decide on the basis of safety and efficacy for every treatment, as best I can. Even if I sometimes have wondered about efficacy, I will admit. But for safety, homeopathy is off the charts. I know of no down-side. I remember looking at the “dilution” level of the remedies. In general, they are so dilute that they could not possibly have any of the “substance” that was used to make them, not even a molecule.
Filed under Alternative Medicine, Diagnosis, Doctors, FDA, medicine, News, Research by on Jan 1st, 2017. Comment.
Everyday health advice. If I read any more “health advice,” mental or physical, that is supposed to be practical advice but is totally wrong and built on mythology, I might explode. Given the “mainstream” unproven drivel that gets reproduced in popular magazines, I think it is pretty amazing any Americans are still alive at all. A little relaxation (deep breathing and focused meditation) — I am doing a lot better. After all, we still have freedom of speech, although it sometimes gets fragile and needs loving protection. And you have me, the Renegade Doctor, to tell you what is truthful and right. I didn’t start out to trash “Reader’s Digest” (RD). My parents of blessed memory had some kind of lifetime subscription, and kept it with a very few cherished books by their bedside, on top of my mother’s premarital “Hope Chest,” which she told me contained clothes she could only “hope” she would fit into again one day. She never did. Read more on Everyday health advice drives me nuts!…
Filed under Alternative Medicine, Disease, Doctors, medicine, News, Nutrition, prescription drugs, weight by on Oct 27th, 2016. Comment.
The Emperor’s New Clothes — A great story that seems to have survived the ages. Like most Americans, I heard the Hans Christian Andersen (19th century) version in childhood. In case you missed it, the subject was two fellows employed as weavers, who offered the emperor a suit that would be invisible to those who were not smart or appropriate for their jobs. The Emperor wears his new suit for a big public parade in front of the subjects, to great acclaim by all. Nobody mentions the emperor is wearing nothing but underwear until a kid yells it out at the top of his lungs. Read more on The emperor has no clothes!…
Filed under News, weight by on Oct 19th, 2016. Comment.
Filed under eating disorders, Family, News, Nutrition, weight by on Oct 10th, 2016. Comment.
I was chatting with an M.D. woman friend, and told her my medications and my natural supplements and herbs and my “numbers” — my blood sugar and my blood pressure — when I still was convinced that I had those things.
My blood sugar was 120 mg/dL. My blood pressure with medications was around 140/85.
She surprised me with her reaction. Read more on What The Heck Has Happened To Medicine?…