December 2018 Archives


I met a nice fellow named “Hymie.”

That was the name on his name-tag when he sidled up to me in one of the inexpensive discount stores my husband and I frequent.

He sidled up, of course, while my husband was out of sight. Read more on Dr. Estelle Meets “Hymie”…

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I have always been protected by protective men and been resented for that.

I was obsessional about the quality of my homework, so when I was in prep school, I brought home (and back to school the next day) more books than anyone else. Read more on Thankful For Over-Protective Men…

Filed under life, News by on . Comment#


Insight is the awareness of one’s own illness and/or situation.

This summary is as good as any textbook definition of this relatively amorphous concept that has completely infiltrated the fabric of psychiatric practice. Read more on Estelle The Translator…

Filed under Asperger's, Education, Family, life, News by on . Comment#


Mature female patient: “So you’re Dr. Goldstein! Wow , you’re dressed so elegant! I mean I feel really self-conscious! I just threw on a t-shirt and shorts…”

Dr. G: “Don’t worry, darling. You got it right — I’m the one who’s supposed to get dressed up. Now, you’re not going to think much of me.” Read more on Dr. Estelle gets a new patient…smiling, laughing…


She had been one of the angriest patients I had ever seen. Yelling and screaming so much and walking out of my office so often that I had figured she was out of my practice.

She had been traumatized — not only raped, but abused in other ways — which she had been unable to detail.

Her husband had brought her back, and I gave her a little bit of medicine, slowly, then, I had been finally able to speak with her directly. Read more on Kindness Can Cure, Too…

Filed under abuse, depression, Doctors, Family, life, News by on . Comment#


This piece in Reform Judaism really touched me.

Unike my grandmother of blessed memory, who had to escape the Russian revolution and come to the states for the freedom to practice the rituals of her faith openly, I have not been openly physically punished for being Jewish. I certainly have been discriminated against for being Jewish. Read more on It Is OK To Be A Jew At Christmas…