U.S. Army


This piece in Reform Judaism really touched me.

Unike my grandmother of blessed memory, who had to escape the Russian revolution and come to the states for the freedom to practice the rituals of her faith openly, I have not been openly physically punished for being Jewish. I certainly have been discriminated against for being Jewish. Read more on It Is OK To Be A Jew At Christmas…


I was nine or so when my classroom teacher at my “special school” for gifted children had a bunch of us at a “secret meeting” for which she had closed the front stage curtain on the auditorium stage and sat us all around her on the well-waxed stage.

“This year, we are going to perform Gilbert and Sullivan.  We will be doing the ‘Pirates of Penzance’.” Read more on Giddy For Gilbert and Sullivan…

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Down with oversimplification. I have no interest in seeing life resolved to “yes” or “no” questions. This is what “mass media” seems to be doing. I hate, for example, people who agonize trying to decide if I am “conservative” or “liberal.”  If a patient tries to focus on this sort of thing (and it is amazing how often they do) it is not too tough to find out what they want me to be and to convince them that I’m exactly what they want me to be.  (It usually involves either telling them I am a veteran of the U.S.Army or telling them I went to undergraduate university in Boston.) Read more on It Is Not A “Yes” Or “No” Question…

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