May 2018 Archives


I recently started seeing a patient whose previous psychiatrist ran him through absolutely every antidepressant drug that his (expensive) genetic testing suggested he would respond to. He had no improvement with any of them.

I will admit to having been an enthusiastic supporter of genetic testing not long ago. The science was sound on paper. Read more on Bipolar Genetics…


This psych news of February 7, 2018 starts by suggesting an increase in suicide came about after the media reported Robin Williams’ suicide.

Although Robin Williams was, as far as I have heard, a bipolar and a substance abuser, at least some people may have been influenced in choosing suicide by the fact Robin Williams chose it first. Read more on Celebrity Worship And The “Copycat” Phenomenon…


People have no talent for picking foods

To me, from everything that comes at me from the internet data, it is wildly obvious that everyone needs to eat less carbohydrates to get — well, healthier. Read more on …

Filed under Education, News, Nutrition by on . Comment#


I was not over 12 when my parents invited me to perform on the banjo which I played rather minimally for a family of synagogue friends.

I went straight to my best song, at that time “Where Have all the Flowers Gone,” by Peter, Paul and Mary. Read more on How Long Does This Continue?…


I often think of Emma Bovary.

In 1856, Gustave Flaubert’s first novel was helped along in sales by a trial for obscenity. And yet the school of thought Flaubert embodied was called “literary realism.” Read more on Literature and Psychology…


The easy part is the FDA congratulating itself for an initial effort in 2004 to diminish the use of antidepressants in children and adolescents by adding the black-box warning that such medication may increase suicidal ideation.

Equally easy is blaming physicians who treat children and adolescents for becoming “inured” to warnings. Read more on More Kids On Antidepressants…

Filed under depression, medicine, News, Psychiatrists by on . Comment#


The depth of psychiatry deals with the entrails — the innards.

The world of psychiatry of the deepest personal thoughts is a world of fantasies of murder and fantasies or death and they are deep, so very deep, that sometimes people don’t even know that they think about them. Read more on It Sounds Like A Joke But —…

Filed under News, Psychiatrists by on . Comment#


Anyone who still believes California is the land of “swimming pools and movie stars,” needs to spend a couple of hours at a DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles) office pretty much anywhere in the state.

Whether you make an appointment (and none is generally available before the date when a party gets mandated to show up) or not, there are lots of activities available while you sit in those “contour chairs.” Read more on Waiting At The DMV…

Filed under Government, military, News by on . Comment#


Remember Portugal? A very long time, ships left from there to explore the Americas and stuff.

In the late 1990’s, about one percent of their population was addicted to opioids. They had all kinds of criminal type drug programs, and at least as bad a drug program as America could imagine in its worst nightmares. Read more on How To Get Rid Of Opiate Addiction…


She is confused and hurts but does not want to take the time to change her antidepressant now.

She tells me that all of her doctors, her pain management doctor and now her new consultation endocrinologist, are doing more and more of the same thing and it is making her worse. Read more on Doctors and Knowledge…