February 2017 Archives

All information should be free, especially to people like me who struggle, really struggle to find new information and interpret it and make people’s lives better.  But instead, people who write this highly structured non-fiction that is scientific research, get it published in difficult (if not impossible) to retrieve places.  Where authors might actually enjoy hearing from fairly enlightened readers such as I.

But some pieces of science are interpreted by university press offices who deliver them back to me.  Sometimes, the message is so strong that I am nevertheless impressed, and need tooooooooooooo tell my beloved followers.  Like an article I just read: “Modern Parenting may hinder brain development.”

As that kid in Peanuts says, “AAUUGGHH!” I had always believed that civilization progressed only forward. I became a history buff when I was a child largely because I believed a dictum (which was once attributed to Harry S. Truman; more recently, I think, to Winston Churchill and now, to George Santayana.)

Read more on Can past traditions be better than present ones?…

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Research marches on.

I have more than one patient now, and many patients in the past, who are women whose men have cheated on them.  It has run from the one night stand to the entire family kept elsewhere in the state or nation, unknown to these long-suffering women, who invariably come to me more than a little bit depressed.

I have been sometimes asked ahead of time if and how a woman can avoid this.  For many years I have been recommending pre-marital evaluations to friends as well as patients.  Many years ago women were shocked and shrugged their shoulders.  I was “ruining” romance.  I always told them that it was their call how they chose to live life.

Read more on You Can Change Your Jeans But Not Your Genes…

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I never enjoyed driving.  I am grateful to my husband as he takes me wherever I need to be and I have the precious luxury of focusing on the classical music on the radio, or letting my spirit fly to dizzying heights as I try to figure out what somebody’s brain cells are doing.  Sometimes, I can even steal a nap.

Read more on The Joy of Cursing…

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What you have been through makes you who you are.
A man abused by his father told me he all too often finds that he has abused his own son.  He did not want to.  He did not mean to.  He realized he was becoming his father and he trembled.

Read more on Breaking The Chain Of Abuse…

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Whatever It Takes

I will not only walk that extra mile for you, I’ll also throw in the kitchen sink!

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I really feel flattered and honored when someone comes up to me in a parking lot and tells me I have the best fashion sense he has ever seen.  It is especially nice because I am with my husband.  Usually this sort of thing happens when someone ambushes me during the 15 minutes or so I have been separated from my husband at Walmart, so I have to file a support with him after the fact.

But this time he was an eye witness.

To see what I mean go to my Instagram page.  And why not follow me on Instagram so you never miss out on my latest hijinx?


I have read a bit about how fashions are supposed to have an effect on the stock market and politics and heaven knows what else.

I wear fashions because of how they make me feel.  Today it was sunshine yellow because I was hit with a streak of optimism.

I have since heard of “fashion psychology” as a field. Fashion psychologists sit with women finding out what colors they have preferred, and what styles, and helping them choose a new wardrobe for, presumably, a happier future.

In this way, at least, I do not think I am so complicated.  I love the styles I grew up loving in the latter half of the twentieth century.

I could not purchase the clothes of female authority then, for I was both too financially challenged and too heavy.

My favorite color changed from blue to purple to hot pinks and magentas as I found a little success and optimism.

If you feel good about yourself when you look in the mirror, what you are wearing is a very good choice.

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I have some close women friends who sometimes call me and ask me to analyze their relationships. Sometimes it is because I am a psychiatrist and I have the pretension of having seriously studied these things.  Sometimes I think it is more because I have been married to the same man for 25 years and I am still crazy in love with him.

Read more on Kissing With Your Eyes Open…

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The internet is so much infiltrated into our lives that most folks seem to spend more time relating to “virtual” personalities than they do to flesh and blood personalities. Read more on Are You There?…

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Lots of trees in the great Golden State seem to have Dutch Elm Disease. I said “seem” because I only see them from my automobile window as we are whizzing by on some highway. The trunks are smooth and grayish and they are not palm trees.  Maybe they are elms.  I don’t know — trees are decidedly outside of my scope of practice. When you see a smooth gray tree, a fungus carried by a “bark beetle” has killed the outer bark, which is the living part of a tree that transports nutrients and water to the places that need it: leafy twigs and fruits and such.

Read more on Dutch Elm Disease For People…

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