

You really can buy almost anything at WalMart.

I run quickly by the food section. Love the crumbled Feta cheese. I mean, at least it’s honest.

The imported Israeli Mexican specialties are more amusing. Read more on Walmart…

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I really feel flattered and honored when someone comes up to me in a parking lot and tells me I have the best fashion sense he has ever seen.  It is especially nice because I am with my husband.  Usually this sort of thing happens when someone ambushes me during the 15 minutes or so I have been separated from my husband at Walmart, so I have to file a support with him after the fact.

But this time he was an eye witness.

To see what I mean go to my Instagram page.  And why not follow me on Instagram so you never miss out on my latest hijinx?

I have read a bit about how fashions are supposed to have an effect on the stock market and politics and heaven knows what else.

I wear fashions because of how they make me feel.  Today it was sunshine yellow because I was hit with a streak of optimism.

I have since heard of “fashion psychology” as a field. Fashion psychologists sit with women finding out what colors they have preferred, and what styles, and helping them choose a new wardrobe for, presumably, a happier future.

In this way, at least, I do not think I am so complicated.  I love the styles I grew up loving in the latter half of the twentieth century.

I could not purchase the clothes of female authority then, for I was both too financially challenged and too heavy.

My favorite color changed from blue to purple to hot pinks and magentas as I found a little success and optimism.

If you feel good about yourself when you look in the mirror, what you are wearing is a very good choice.

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baby with open cabinet full of poison household chemicalsWe have taught our American consumers to be cheap –to be obsessed with the lowest possible price — and the cost is higher than we should be expected to pay.

Retailers have been urged to remove products from their shelves that might contain harmful (toxic) ingredients.

Why is everyone surprised?  Does anybody actually expect cheap products to be safe?  things you buy at Target or K-Mart to have been made with your safety or well being in mind?  why?

Not that I am demonizing these particular companies.  It is impossible to expect them to spontaneously think of these things.

They want to make profits to send their own kids to college, and improve their own lifestyle.  This is the sort of thing businesses in America DO — the greed

Read more on You Want It Cheap or Safe? Try Grandma’s Solution…

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