

Christmas may have provided a break in the mourning for some in Newtown, CT.  That’s good.  Too much mourning is not a good thing.

crying eyesBut the first thing that bothered me about the Reuters article was their description of Newtown as “mostly Christian.”  I am not a terribly ardent Zionist, but I will admit I was proud of the Israeli response to the tragedy.

My heart goes out to those of any other minority religions, for I do not know who or how they are, or if their international communities have reached out to them in any way.  America is neither Christian nor homogeneous.  Failure to live up to the “freedom of worship” part of the Franklin D. Roosevelt and Normal Rockwell Four Freedoms is just another way we have failed, as a nation, to live up to expectations.

My heart goes out to anyone who has not felt support from the religious

Read more on Newtown, CT and the American Tradition of School Shootings…

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So many times the cover-up seems to me to be worse than the crime. It might be something as President Nixon and Watergate or as trivial as Sarah Palin and her … um … improvisation on the ride of Paul Revere.

(Don’t try to fool a Boston girl – I know all about Paul Revere).

I think most of us can agree that the alleged sexual abuse of a young boy by a college football coach is definitely on the more serious side. And in addition to whatever reputed sexual trauma may result, there is another severe trauma. Read more on Penn State Child Abuse: The Coverup Is Worse Than The Crime…

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How could anybody think it was justified by their religion to stick sewing needles into a child’s body?

voodoo dollNow according to the news story, the (obligatory) academic expert said there were no potentially harmful rituals in Candomble, the most popular of the Afro-Brazilian religions.  This statement ranks right up there with, “Hey, Columbus – don’t go too far or you’ll fall off the edge of the world!”

Someone is obviously worried about prejudice against the Afro-Brazilian religions.  Me, I am more worried about the sanctity of human life. Read more on Can We Protect Children From Their Parents?…

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