Maybe there are people out there who do not know what Down Syndrome is, although at 1 per 691 births it is the most common of chromosomal abnormaities.
I still remember my next door neighbor, little “Stevie,” who was the youngest in a large family (seven children as I recall) so mother may have been a bit advanced in age when she had him. I thought of him then (I was not over six or seven) as a sort of human stuffed animal, as he loved hugging and was profoundly retarded, able to do little on his own. I learned even then that people said what such children lacked in intelligence (and muscle tone and
Read more on Down Syndrome — Human Choice Doesn’t Catch Up With Technology…
Filed under Down Syndrome by on May 27th, 2013. Comment.
How could anybody think it was justified by their religion to stick sewing needles into a child’s body?
Now according to the news story, the (obligatory) academic expert said there were no potentially harmful rituals in Candomble, the most popular of the Afro-Brazilian religions. This statement ranks right up there with, “Hey, Columbus – don’t go too far or you’ll fall off the edge of the world!”
Someone is obviously worried about prejudice against the Afro-Brazilian religions. Me, I am more worried about the sanctity of human life. Read more on Can We Protect Children From Their Parents?…
Filed under abuse by on Mar 3rd, 2010. Comment.