I will never forget the sad and jowly face of the obese young mother in her thirties who told me, “maybe if I had more sex with my husband, I would be thinner. Sex is supposed to burn lots of calories, right?”
Filed under News, weight by on Aug 22nd, 2016. Comment.
I am not alone in criticizing recent research on egg consumption. The criticism on Dr. David Spence’s own medical school website tells a big piece of the story.
First, I must say that being a clinical medical researcher is a tough row to hoe. I always thought “bench” researchers, folks in climate controlled labs who work with mice or test tubes, had it easy compared to people trying to learn things about humans.
The hardest part, I believed for years, was simply to prove “causality,” for although it is possible to show things happen at the same time, it is generally pretty much impossible to prove something “caused” something else. Read more on Incredible Edible Eggs (Not Dangerous!)…
Filed under News, Research, weight by on Aug 17th, 2016. Comment.
This is an update of a previous post:
Science keeps changing and moving forward so quickly that even an avowed knowledge addict like me can sometimes do little more than hang on for the ride.
Back when I wrote my earlier post, I already knew for sure that I wanted to live for as close to forever as possible. Calorie restriction had been touted as one possible way to do do so, and change in the gut flora was one possible mechanism. Read more on Update On Calories and Longevity…
Filed under eating disorders, Education, Government, medicine, News, Research, weight by on Aug 16th, 2016. Comment.
My struggles with obesity are well known and well publicized. Although my web page regarding weight loss hasn’t been updated lately, that will be changing soon, as I have some new focus on obesity — causes and treatment.
When you have an enforced lack of mobility, if you don’t deliberately lower your caloric intake, you are going to gain weight. Read more on When Life Lowers Your Physical Activity, You Don’t Have To Get Obese…
Filed under prescription drugs, weight by on Mar 12th, 2016. Comment.
She asked me to help with her weight problem. At 25 years old, she could not have been more than 25 pounds overweight.
“I need a pill to make me stop eating lasagna,” she told me.
I went into my maternal mode. “Oh no, my dear, that is not a really good thing to do.” I explained patiently that if she were hungry enough for her hunger to wake her at 6:30 in the morning and propel her to the preparation and consumption of microwave lasagna, she was probably hypoglycemic and she needed enough protein snacks in the evening to maintain her blood sugar in the morning. Read more on A Pill To Make Me Stop Eating Lasagna…
Filed under Addictions, Alternative Medicine, News, weight by on Feb 10th, 2016. Comment.
It happened several years ago, when one of the immigrants of Mexican origin I frequently saw as a patient in the poorer counties of California came to see me and pulled a pen and a steno pad out of her purse. My Spanish was a bit more rudimentary than it is now. She was matronly, with mostly grayed hair in the classic bun. She asked me if I could spend a few extra minutes with her. I told her I would take all the time I could, and try to serve her needs. It wasn’t her, she said. It was her youngest daughter, aged 13. Read more on Delayed Gratification And Life…
Filed under News, Psychiatrists, Psychology, Research, weight by on Feb 5th, 2016. Comment.
Mindful Eating
As you will read elsewhere, I am back after an extended absence and I am not only in a new place, but doing new things.
My first outside project is obesity treatment, with a generous share of my methods and philosophy to help those of you who want to lose weight.
My own weight loss was quite dramatic — approx 200 lbs — and I’ve kept the weight off for about 5 years now. How did I do it — drugs? surgery? diet and exercise?
No — I used some really plain old common sense and research supplementation. Together with the proper mindset, this is what will give anyone the longest lasting and safest weight loss possible.
I’m sharing with you a portion of a new book that I will publish soon. Here is a taste, as we say in the dieting business: Read more on Mindful Eating…
Filed under Alternative Medicine, eating disorders, News, weight by on Jan 24th, 2016. Comment.
For most of my life I have been more or less overweight. I figured my body was just something I used to carry my brain around.
Tentatives at presentation (clothes, makeup) were just not as serious as with my women-friends. I mean, it was just not as important to my identity as “smart” was.
Back then — only a few years ago — I actually had a mental health worker (therapist) who allegedly had a particular interest in eating disorders ask me how I got through life without being ashamed to go places because I was fat.
I shrugged my shoulders and told her I lived in a world where it simply did not matter. The only place it kept me from going was mixers — and as I had determined men were a waste of time and I actually believed I would never marry, what did it matter anyway? Read more on Act Like Wonder Woman And Become Wonder Woman…
Filed under Brain, Psychology, weight by on Nov 5th, 2014. Comment.
How lovely that the first lady carries the banner high – save our children through nutrition, and deliver it through public schools.
How lovely that the United States as a whole and a first lady in particular can plead for the health and future health of children in a world dominated by politics and commercial interests that are simply not assailable with idealistic claptrap.
We may have actually achieved an amazing amount in the past few years, on this incredibly difficult task. Guess who has been saying, for a couple of years now, that any attempt to reform school lunches is in trouble? Coca-Cola, and other large food companies that make things like frozen pizza a French fries. Read more on School Lunches Are A Mess…
Filed under Education, Government, News, Nutrition, politics, weight by on Jun 3rd, 2014. Comment.