Paris Hilton


The patient was no Paris Hilton, and the clinic where I saw her is not someplace Ms. Hilton would ever frequent.  But one thing the two women had in common was carrying a dog in a handbag.

I often see ladies carry in more than one bag – a standard handbag and perhaps a sack full of medical records.  I’d never had anyone bring a purse-dog in to an interview, though. Read more on Is There Anything A Service Dog Can’t Do?…

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I have been working with criminals longer than I care to admit.  I suppose it is a condition of my accepting temporary consultation assignments, going where the need is greatest.  A lot of work in prisons.  Some with people later, during the parole process. Sometimes they are contrite — more often not.

I am still waiting to meet the smart criminal.  The Moriarty to some law-enforcement-colleague Sherlock.  The high IQ planner, the applied psychologist, the brilliant criminal.

Paris Hilton Arrested For Drug PossessionMaybe they are so brilliant that they never get caught.  Or – if crime truly does not pay – maybe they are the ones who go to those so-called “Country Club Prisons” after they have become wealthy from stock market schemes. They might get “classier” psychiatrists, males with receding hairlines and goatees who wear neckties.  I know they don’t get better ones. Read more on Santa Claus, Tooth Fairy And Smart Criminals — All Myths…

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Tinkerbell has come a long way from the light reflected with a mirror in the original J.M. Barrie play of Peter Pan, back in 1904 — l argely through being part of the Disney stable of ideals for young girls. I remember, even though I have always been a lover of personal expression through the visual arts, being asked, as early as the second or third grade, to draw a princess. 

Huh?  Read more on Paris Hilton, Tinkerbell and Girl Bratz as a Role Model…