I’m getting getting ready to send out my first private-list email of the year — and it is long overdue!
If you are not already on my mailing list and want to make sure you receive this newsletter, you can still sign up.
Just fill in the form in the top right-hand corner of this page and click the button. You MUST opt-in to receive this letter, it is sent directly to your email and not available on the web for public viewing. Of course, you can opt-out at any time, if you wish. But this is a non-commercial, non-spam type of newsletter. It is chock-full of my personal opinions and details on what I’m doing in various parts of my life.
You won’t want to miss it — and it is free — so try it out and see. I predict that by Monday, it should be delivered and ready to read.
Take care and be happy — enjoy your weekend.
Dr. G
Tags: newsletter, opt-in, opt-out.
Filed under News by admin on Jan 17th, 2013. Comment.
Subscribers to my newsletter got to read my inside information and some exclusive insights on the E. Coli disaster that is devastating Germany.
But you can read this and other special material that isn’t included in my blog just by signing up for my free newsletter.
The nice Internet Fairies drop it into your email box approximately once a week and they jealously guard your personal information so no mean old spammers will get it.
Of course, as with all ethical and reputable newsletters, it’s easy to unsubscribe any time you get bored with piercing insights into hot topics, interesting oddities of the medical-legal world and the unique opinions of a Renegade Doctor.
I use my brain to give your brain a treat, so if it sounds like something you can wrap your neurons around, go sign up.
PS — there are links to all the back issues you’ve missed. You can find out what I advised about taking Omega-3 Fish Oil supplements, or the puzzling celiac disease that causes so many symptoms and is so easy to treat, or how you can be your own shrink with EFT.
Here’s a handy link to opt-in. Please do it today — I’d love to see your eyes scanning my newsletter next week!
Estelle Toby Goldstein, MD
The Renegade Doctor
Tags: E. Coli, newsletter, opt-in, Renegade Doctor.
Filed under Disease by admin on Jun 12th, 2011. Comment.