Jane Fonda


I’m working on a book about my weight loss (150 lbs. over the past two years), and have been going over pictures that illustrate how I looked from my peak to where I am now.

Actually, I am still losing, but stabilizing.  Keeping off is not a problem.  Most things people think are problems are not problems, if people would gather knowledge and actually think about it.  They don’t.  They listen to friends  and women’s magazines.

Obama eating

Thinnest President Since Lincoln?

Weight is a tough problem.  It is “multi-factorial.”  There are physiological things, genetic things, environmental things, and lots (I mean lots) of psychological things that are part of this.  I think of them not as tricks or tips but as factors, real factors.  I do not think people should pick and choose what seems “easy;” rather, they should focus on doing what works. Read more on Eating Myself Slim…

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