

America has created wonder drugs for the world.

Then it rendered them unusable.

Both antibiotics and corticosteroids are not what they once were. Read more on Meds To Cure (or Harm) The World…


When I first saw in a headline somewhere that the earth’s population of honeybees was diminishing, I actually thought it might be a good thing.

Less bee stings.

I cannot count the number of patients I have seen (particularly males young enough to harbor delusions of their own vulnerability) who list bee sting allergies as a problem. Read more on Let Me Tell You ‘Bout The Bees (Maybe The Birds Later)…

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When I’m not on the internet, I generally catch the latest news on the car radio, like lots of other folks tied up in California freeway traffic.  Yesterday the question had been raised whether Foster Farms chicken was in some way associated with a salmonella outbreak. The company suggested that improper preparation of the raw chicken was responsible.

Not so.  Now the news reported by USA Today, whom I applaud for picking up this story, says that Foster Farms was also the origin of a salmonella outbreak in 2012 in Oregon and Washington that sickened 134 people in 13 states.

It is reasonable to ask, “What the hell is going on?” Read more on Playing Chicken With The Gvt. Shutdown…

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Can you die from a tattoo?  You betcha.

I never looked very closely at the literature since getting tattoos on your body is against Jewish law.  I remember from Jewish Religious school when I was quite young, having it reamed into y poor little noggin along with a bunch of other stuff, that when God came for the resurrection of the flesh, not only was it a really good idea that you had a little bit of earth from the land of Israel in your pocket (in Boston, tiny sacks of such alleged origin were overpriced at best) but there had to be no, absolutely no, placed-there-on-purpose marks on your body.  It would be really bad because you wanted God to know you were the right (strictly Kosher) Jewish body.

Somehow, it seemed to be possible to get by with a scar.  I figured it was because if you had an accident, an omniscient God would know about it anyway. Read more on Death By Tattoo…

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