Indian Dance



Darshana Doshi, Juhi Doshi, Estelle Toby Goldstein MD at Juhi's dance performance


I felt especially blessed when my friends invited me to share in a performance of Bharata Natyam by their daughter and the other students of the Natyanjali School of classical Indian dance in Fullerton.

Dr. Sanjay Doshi and his wife, Darshana (a psychologist who works with me) asked me and my husband to join them in this wonderful celebration on Saturday night. With their son, Jay, we were front-row-center for the evening of dance at Fullerton College. Afterward, a buffet of traditional Indian dishes was provided.

Our hosts introduced us to their beautiful daughter, Juhi, who — at 15 years of age — as spent the past 9 years in study of the dance. Next year she will graduate and present a 3 ½ hour solo dance recital — and I don’t want to miss that!

The troupe is instructed by Dr. , who acted as emcee for the event and conducted the orchestra of world-class musicians imported from India.

The exotic and hypnotic music, the gorgeous costumes and the talented dancers made this such a wonderful evening that it was a shock to return to real life.

For more information on the dance classes here is the contact information:


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