

I was making one of my rare but periodic attempts to watch commercial television.  Sometimes I amaze myself that I have not given up, especially when I saw a few minutes of “the View.”  I mean, someone has to get in there and promote stereotypes about women, and they are doing an incredible job, what with asking women involved in politics about bathing their babies or something.

Claire Danes in "Romeo + Juliet"

Claire Danes in "Romeo + Juliet"

I admittedly learn a great deal from the commercials.

Like Claire Danes — whom I used to consider a Shakespearean-quality actress — does not seem to be getting any good roles, because she did this incredible commercial, where her eyelashes and face were photographed every couple of weeks.  Admittedly, after four to six weeks, she had pretty lush looking eyelashes compared to week 1.

Here is the prescription drug— yes prescription drug — she was advertising. On the website they have Brooke Shields, too.

Read more on … By An Eyelash…

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