contact high


She was a depressed woman in her 50’s, on conventional antidepressants, who I saw in a clinic.  She had none of the “neurovegetative” signs of depression.  That means, she slept well and ate well and her mood was acceptable.  All of the things that we generally measure in antidepressant response were there, so there was really not a lot more for me to do, except to renew the prescription.  I did ask a few questions.

John Fenton -- Hassidic DanceDid she have a purpose in life?  Yes, she had a job in a bookstore, which she enjoyed, and grown children, who had babies of their own, and she loved to play with them, but they lived a bit of a distance away, so she could not play with them as often as she liked.

So I asked her what was the most fun in her life.  She started laughing wildly, and stamping her foot.  I knew this had to be a good answer, and I was ready.  I thought she was going to talk about drugs or sex.  I was really surprised with what she came up with.
Read more on Happy Dances and the Contact High…

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