

I know some people think I’m not a sports fan – and I’m really not – and that’s why I harp on the negative side of sports news.

sports is my religion printed on a t-shirt

Why do you think so many ball games are on Sunday?

But the truth is that I’m a humanist and a doctor, and I continually wonder why our society is so dedicated to dangerous and destructive activities that – if they were not so profitable and so glamorized – should be considered insanity.

Every time a person – especially young people – dies during an athletic contest or practice, every time there is a tragic injury or accident while “playing games” I shudder.

Somebody died at a triathlon, and somebody else had something wrong.

Of course, the uneducated and, generally speaking, minimally-informed people who comment on such things say they think it must have been something in the water.

Read more on Glorification Of Sports Is Our Modern Major Mental Illness…

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When I was very young, my nails were never painted. My mother of blessed memory thought it impractical and a waste of time. My grandmother of blessed memory enjoyed a weekly ritual that seemed to remind her she was a woman of leisure, when she removed and replaced what had been chipped the week before with a fresh coat.

In French medical school, where I first had an awareness that female beauty was some kind of power or currency, I tried weekly polish for a little in the early years, but found it tough to maintain without chips, even with a pale color, and transparent did not seem worth the trouble. Men didn’t seem to notice, or care.

When I left surgery for other branches of psychiatry, there was a brief affirmation of nail painting, as if I were declaring to the world I was no longer a manual laborer, but an intellectual one. I even remember telling someone about the medieval guilds of barber-surgeons, but how nobody could lump barbers in with the esoteric works of an intellectual not-a-manual laborer type physician. Read more on Some Fingernails Just Aren’t Cut Out For Polish…

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