If I had to pick a favorite neurotransmitter, I would have to pick acetylcholine (ACh). As a matter of fact, I did. I ordered a custom-made necklace featuring my three favorite neurotransmitters – and ACh was the first in line.
The others? Well, since you are interested — dopamine and serotonin. And I always wear this necklace, these days.
Some ancient cultures have worshipped the herb rosemary as a symbol of memory. Me, I much prefer the molecule at my neck which, in addition to its well-known role at the neuromuscular end plate, where it translates neural impulses into motor contraction, is also essential for memory.
That teensy little nucleus basalis of Meynert, which looked kind of blue-gray when last I saw it on the front of a cadaver’s brainstem – and pretty faded when Alzheimer’s is present– has gone and given up a few of its secrets.
Let’s go to an epidemiologic mess, such as Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and all of its subtypes and such, most of which I think are artifacts and do not exist — although (mostly untrained) adults often attribute them to children who annoy them.
A lot of these kids have anticholinerases (read: organophosphates ), originally meant for insecticides and Nazi nerve gases, inside them. Same with people with Alzheimer’s.
So I’m not just some “know-it-all” – I’m a one-woman ACh fan club. And this I swear on whatever Holy document you wish – I even dressed up as a Choline molecule TWICE for Halloween. Once before I met my husband, and then again – because he wanted to see how cuddly a molecule could look –- again a few years ago. He called me his “Choline Cutie.”
Of course, I was not built to scale – being somewhere near 300 lbs. when I dressed that way. But the placement of the atoms was absolutely perfect.
ACh was the first neurotransmitter discovered – back in the 1920s — so I think it is about time it got recognition.
Anyone want to join the fan club?
Filed under Memory by on Jun 17th, 2011. 2 Comments.
She was a friend. Other people sometimes live their entire lives in one place and keep friends for life, but she was more distant, clinging to me loosely, trying to live off free advice. Like almost all the friends I have in one particular region, she was a therapist. Not a bad thing to be, and I believe her to be a competent therapist. But she had the same problem most people in my age group have. She wanted help fighting it.
I suppose the name for it these days is “cognitive loss for age.” Not Alzheimer’s, that “presenile” (the earliest cases described by Kraepelin himself was in mid-fifties) dementia, but getting older.
Mainstream medicine comes up with names and categories and prescriptions, that may or may not offer significant clinical improvement. The human spirit comes up with, well, at least a little good anger. If there is one piece of poetry I quote more than any other, it is Dylan Thomas “Do not go gentle into that good night/Rage, rage, against the dying of the light.” Of course this brilliant Welsh poet, the way I heard it, died of alcohol poisoning in New York; not exactly how I plan to rage against the dying of my light. Oh, how many people who have tried to feed me alcohol I have told I cannot afford to lose any brain cells by that method. I need everything I have to continue to live by my wits. Read more on Advice From A Poet About Memory Loss…
Filed under Alzheimer's Disease, medicine by on Jul 13th, 2010. Comment.