

I value those behind-the-scenes programs on TV, especially when they warn you of dangers that you may never know. Here is a little behind-the-scenes story that you will really want to read because it might involve you! One of my chief interests in making sure patients are not only treated properly but that all the safeguards and protections are observed.

Read more on Informed Consents Are Often Skipped…


Too many Americans can’t afford to and simply do not–take their medicines as prescribed. That estimate is based on information from the (American!) Centers for Disease Control). I have had patients come into my office who take their medications –in both cases, for life-threatening infectious diseases — only every other day, simply because that is all they can afford. I explained to each one individually the idea of the half-life of a drug. They only stay in your body for a certain length of time, then they leave your body in waste products.  That is why taking a drug every other day is not really effective. They both gave me almost exactly the same response — It was all they could afford, and it was probably better than nothing. Read more on Big Pharma Is Capitalism Out Of Control…

If you were alive and in America in 1971, you probably heard John Denver sing “Take Me Home Country Roads.”

The lyrics start:

“Almost heaven, West Virginia…”

Read more on Almost Heaven West Virginia …

I was about three years old when I enjoyed tending our backyard with her.  I had been a marvel to her, since she was a little girl, earning her keep as an agricultural worker in the Ukraine, it what was then known as Russia.

Read more on What You Eat Makes You Who You Are (Smart!)…

Knowing when to eat is important, but there are no bad times. One of the most obese people I have known personally was our family Kosher (traditional Jewish) butcher back on the east coast.  He said his weight was immeasurable on a normal scale; I didn’t know then that I would become that way later.  He was the kind of guy who was so heavy he was in such pain whenever he got up from a chair to serve a customer, he invoked God in rapidly recited Hebrew.

He said he ate very reasonable “balanced” (which is not what obese people need) meals during the day, but every night he got “crazy hungry” and “snacked” on everything imaginable, mostly sweets, from the minute he finished after-work dinner until his late bedtime, while in front of the television. He said his doctor was irate and told him to stop eating at night because eating in the evening and before bed made people fat and sick. Read more on Meats or Sweets For Weight Loss…


This was the lead personal ad in the local free rag for seniors I picked up today. “Romantic, Successful Doctor Seeks nice lady anywhere.” My first question is if things are still like when I was in medical school.

Are men still pretending to be medical doctors when they try to pick up women? I certainly never saw doctors as a romantic ideal.  Have women been and are they still, telling their daughters to grow up and marry doctors? A higher percentage of doctors are women than ever before.  This would tell any sociologist what I already know — the social status of the profession is definitely on its way down. Read more on Get Ready For Sleep-Deprived Doctors…

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“You really made me feel better,” said the cuddly little woman.  I had put the lid on her little episode of mania very quickly, and she was happy with me.  She was stable and I was making our appointments further apart. Read more on The Perfect Thank-You Gift…

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Back in the days before Noah’s flood, a psychiatrist would take care of both the medical and the psychotherapeutic needs of a patient. Of course, we all knew that it took “a different kind of doctor.”  In the old days they said it had to be a Jewish doctor who was afraid of the sight of blood. Of which I am not — I mean, I used to be a surgeon so I put that one to sleep.

Read more on You Are The Boss of Your Therapy Sessions…

Back in the days before Noah’s flood, a psychiatrist would take care of both the medical and the psychotherapeutic needs of a patient. Of course, we all knew that it took “a different kind of doctor.”  In the old days they said it had to be a Jewish doctor who was afraid of the sight of blood. I am not.  I mean, I used to be a surgeon so I put that one to sleep.

Read more on You’re the Boss…

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I have been friendly with and received referrals from homeopaths. and taken care of patients who have sung the praises of that art.  Since I am known to most folks as an “alternative physician,” this is understandable.  All homeopaths have been gentle folks, and I supposed that they were doing people good, in some way, be it placebo or something else.  I had no reason to fight them. I cannot remember ever actually referring someone to a homeopath.  Some people have told me it did not work for them.  And even though I use alternative methods,  I do things that are scientifically proven to my satisfaction.

I have never told anyone to stop seeing a homeopath who was helpful to them.  I decide on the basis of safety and efficacy for every treatment, as best I can.  Even if I sometimes have wondered about efficacy, I will admit. But for safety, homeopathy is off the charts.  I know of no down-side. I remember looking at the “dilution” level of the remedies.  In general, they are so dilute that they could not possibly have any of the “substance” that was used to make them, not even a molecule.

Read more on The Current State of Homeopathy…