

I never smoked.  In my family, it was simply not an option.  My grandmother of blessed memory used to stand at the front door and kick out anybody who opened a box of cigarettes on the concrete stairs coming up to the front door, let alone anyone who actually looked as if they were or would smoke.

My father of blessed memory swore once that when he tried to bring home a buddy from Harvard who was smoking and appeared poorly dressed; my grandmother kicked him out at the door. Read more on Everybody Knows Smoking Is Bad — So Why Do Some Still Do It?…

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The story of CVS (Caremark) pharmacies no longer selling tobacco products seems to be dominating today’s headlines across the board.

It is true that numerous studies have identified smoking as the single major cause of preventable death in these United States.  It is also true that smoking has diminished in recent years.  Most of the studies I see show that the numbers have gone down from maybe 25% of the population to maybe 15% of the population, which will surely prolong and increase the quality of the lives of the individuals who have kicked the habit.

Legislation may have helped some.  I have heard time and time again that nicotine is one of the most addictive, perhaps THE most addictive substance known to man.  I have heard from plenty of patients how an unexpected stimulus or even memory has caused relapse. Read more on CVS Chain Kicks Tobacco’s Butt (Out Of Their Stores)…

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