substance abuse


I have not been a chronic television watcher since early childhood, mainly because the projections on a two dimensional screen seem to be to be — at best — a weak distillation of the human drama that happens in my office.

Hamburber Helper puppet needs a helping hand -- in Rehab

Hamburger Helper puppet needs a helping hand -- in Rehab

But for my patients, I know well that the line between what they see on television and what they see in their living room is blurred at best.

I have, however, been compared to various TV shrinks — which I have been told is a compliment.  The first person who told me I was like one, I asked why.  When she said “because you always say the right thing.”

I was obviously flattered since you better believe I am NOT scripted.

Read more on Has A Celebrity Got A Chance At Rehab?…

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