

Research in psychology abounds, but “naturalistic” research does not.

I am impressed by these nice female medical doctors on the faculty of the University of California School of Medicine in San Francisco for the work they have done. Read more on Medical Student Evaluations…

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Body mass index cutoff for college graduation? Give me a break.

It is idiotic to foster prejudice against the obese at an institution of higher learning when we know that people are discriminated against for jobs by their weight.  To offer courses and help is good.  To confound intellectual output with girth is just plain stupid.

Pres. William Howard Taft

Pres. William Howard Taft

Has anyone ever been refused a university degree because they failed to quit smoking?  Has anyone ever been refused a degree for non-compliance with any kind  of medical treatment?  Obese people do not get the same quality of medical care as non-obese  people.  Yes, there are lifestyle changes that seem to be able to  help.  But there are also a large variety of putative interventions  that may help, or theories.  Obese people do not even get the right size of chairs or gowns when they get into a doctor’s office. Read more on A College Degree Based On Your Figure…

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We want religious freedom, which is good.  We do not want prejudice that is unfounded.  We do not want people to preach or incite sedition.  We have no interest in disguises of sedition as religion.

We have problems with anything that gets in the way of freedom.  We love popular votes, and want to see the president of the United States elected directly some day, so the people have the sovereignty that Jefferson had in mind.  Radical factions corrected by some sort of wisdom, perhaps divine in origin, that flows down among honest and intelligent and diverse groups, so that they somehow exercise a sort of internal control, and radical factions cancel each other out.

I have no idea how a referendum about minarets made it to the Swiss ballot.  It seems that most people there don’t want these public symbols of the Islamic faith.  There is a nice photo in the Wikipedia article of a plastic minaret of Turkish construction that someone put on a cultural center in Switzerland for what I suppose are religious reasons.
Read more on Minarets in Switzerland: Can’t We All Get Along?…

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